Wednesday, September 19, 2012

One Shot at a Time

I just read an interesting blog about not getting ahead of yourself and playing in the moment. It got me thinking about my swing and positioning. Where I take my lessons, it is just a small room with computers and netting on the wall. It's easy to let the last hit and swing go with a coach telling you what you can improve on and what you did well. We watch the swing and an animation of where the ball would travel and I can see exactly what I am doing wrong. But when I’m at the driving range I find myself recounting the last hit I had. GolfGal had a great thought:

"...I wasn't playing 'one shot at a time' on those 3 bad holes and I wasn't 'staying in the moment.'   How many times have we heard players say that?  I always thought of those phrases as typical golf cliches that everyone says for the media but no one actually believes them."

Thinking about staying in the moment will definitely improve my game. Often I get wrapped up in the last shot I hit and not about the present. If it was a good shot I will try and do better by hitting it harder and by thinking that way I loose my train of thought and most likely miss the ball or shank it a few feet in front of me. If it was a bad shot I think negatively and it affects my next shot as well.  It brings up a good point about negativity and what it ultimately does to ones game. Once you start thinking about that negative shot it’s hard to relax and have fun, having fun is when I have the best shots and am the most relaxed. GREAT TIP GolfGal!

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